Mothered by a koto master, steeped in the depth of the Japanese aesthetic, touched with an enigmatic melancholy: the jazz pianist Kou. His unique flavor can be particularly felt in the track ZAKURO from this collaboration.
The resulting sound is brimming with imagery and aestheticism that transcends the boundaries of music – in recent years Kou is garnering attention in the club scene as well as a new brand of surreal ambient abstract artist. In his live performances, he places art and photography books on the music stand instead of sheet music, displaying his visual approach towards music.
Soulmarines , melancholic "BLUE SOUND" wakes up nostalgia,pain of heart which are
exsiting in most depth of us,fallen angel.
However , you must not cry when you listen to a surrealistic sound of MURASE KOU...
(Yuzuru Agi = Japanese music magagins chief editer)
I want to collaborate with fashion brand and show music.
and amazing dancers and great artist! Please mail me!
Mothered by a koto master, steeped in the depth of the Japanese aesthetic, touched with an enigmatic melancholy: the jazz pianist Kou. His unique flavor can be particularly felt in the track ZAKURO from this collaboration.
The resulting sound is brimming with imagery and aestheticism that transcends the boundaries of music – in recent years Kou is garnering attention in the club scene as well as a new brand of surreal ambient abstract artist. In his live performances, he places art and photography books on the music stand instead of sheet music, displaying his visual approach towards music.
Soulmarines , melancholic "BLUE SOUND" wakes up nostalgia,pain of heart which are
exsiting in most depth of us,fallen angel.
However , you must not cry when you listen to a surrealistic sound of MURASE KOU...
(Yuzuru Agi = Japanese music magagins chief editer)
I want to collaborate with fashion brand and show music.
and amazing dancers and great artist! Please mail me!
BELRINの新鋭映像プロダクションDIVINE APPOINTMENTSのイメージサウンドを提供。
【元ロックマガジン編集長・阿木 譲氏の言葉】
ソウル・マリーンのどこまでもどこまでも下降する憂鬱でメランコリックなBLUE SOUND」は、堕天使たる我々の最も深いところにある心の痛み=郷愁を呼び起こす。だけどだからといってMURASE KOUのシュールなサウンドを聴いてキミは泣いてはいけない。)